Wednesday, 15 December 2010



so my school dance is tommorow night. it's an advent where everyone get far too dressed up with massive heels that never actally stay on their feet. But who doesn't like a bit of ott in their life (;

okay so i got my dress from republic, it's bright red and it was 34.99. i'm usally a size 8 but on the website alot of people have been saying you have to get a size bigger because the sizeing is terrible, so i got a size 10.

this is the detail. (not the best picture)

i look rather big on the belly area but i was just in from school and it wasn't one of the best of days! Plus this dress is REALLY tight! <<>
this is the picture on the website....

and my heels look like...

and i don't think the shoes are on the website, but
thanks for reading. please leave suggestions for blog posts in the comments(:<3

Friday, 10 December 2010

Barry M nail paints

okay so i'm going to show you lot my barry m nailpaint collection.

May i just say before we start my camera is shoking at focusing so please excuse the rubbish pictures<3>

okay so this is it haha.
from Left to right;

303 bright purple
279 bright pink
119 baby pink
294 cyan blue
295 pure turqoise
306 blueberry i/c
305 pink flamingo

close ups?

303 bright purple

119 bright pink

119 baby pink

294 cyan blue

205 pink flamingo

295 pure turqoise

308 blueberry i/c

thanks for reading<3

Saturday, 4 December 2010

dream matte mousse and dream creamy foundation comparison.

okay so i've been battiling against foundations recently so when i tried dream mattemousse foundation i fell in love but it made me break out so i thought since i liked the mouse foundation i'd try the dream creamy foundation.

dream matte mousse.
the good.

okay so the good about dream matte mousse,

  • it does look flawless when you put it on.
  • i think this gives great coverage to the skin.
  • great if you have oily skin (like me) it completely covers all the oily parts of your face.

the bad.

okay so the bad about dream matte mousse,

  • this hasn't happened to me but my friend also uses this and her skin got really try and flaky from using this.
  • if you do have dry skin already this would make it stand out even more than before you put it on.
  • maybe a bit too much coverage for the summer.

dream creamy foundation.

the good.

  • this would be good for people with really dry skin because it hydrates the skin.
  • doesn't give much coverage so good if you want a 'natural' look.

the bad.

  • NOT GOOD FOR OILY SKIN! I have oily parts on the sides of my nose and it made it look really not nice when i had it on.
  • not good coverage atall. I don't really like my freckles so i like to dim them down a bit with a good coverage foundation so this didn't meet the cut.
  • really hard to blend. (i was using my fingers so maybe better with a brush)

to me my favorite has to be the dream matte mouse. It's so much easier to put on and to take off.

hope this helped, thanks for reading<3

20 questions tag.

Here are the questions:

1.Thing you cannot leave the house without: my mobiel phone
2.Favorite brand of makeup: erm maybeline maybe
3.Favorite Flowers: daisy
4.Fav clothing stores: newlook,republic,primark and h&m
5.Fav perfume: Fantasy by Britney Spears
6.Heels or flats: mmm i wear flats more but i do love heels.. have to be a draw
7.Do you make good grades? i guess
8.Fav colors: grey or pink
9.Do you drink energy drinks? sometimes
10.Do you drink juice? yeah
11.Do you like swimming? not serious swimming but swimming on holiday and things like that
12.Do you eat fries with a fork? depends what i'm eating them with
13.Whats your fav moisturizer? simples kind to skin hydrating moisturizer
14.Do you want to get married later on in life? yep
15.Do you get mad easily? depends who at really
16.Are you into ghost hunting? yeah
17.Any phobias? plasters in swimming pools haha
18.Do you bite your nails? sometimes when i'm bored
19.Have you ever had a near death experience? nope i don't think
20.Do you drink coffee? nope

thanks for reading<3